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Keldon, lover, fighter. Anything but a diplomat.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Disappointing Reactions

"I can make no promises, Far-Cousin." said Squaheb Furthtail, the robust young Keldon we had picked up in the shadow of the preywinder. He continued, "Our forces have never recovered from the losses we took in the Insurrection. The Emperor's stare is harsh upon us. Our every move is catalogued. We don't know who to trust anymore. Clutch-Brothers have been taken and turned. It is indeed dire."

I looked down at the small table we shared. "So you will not rise?"

"We would be martyred for very little gain. The garrisons on Urlafa now include some of the Emperor's best shock troops. We might be able to disrupt Urlafa and the surrounding sectors for a day or two but we would be wiped out quickly and the reprisals on our families would be harsh."

"What will my cousins in Ska'ari owned Keldon space do when the Emperor paints two-thirds of the Galactic map red?" I asked. "What hope will there be in an uprising then? It may be dangerous now but it will be impossible later. If the Emperor is successful in crushing the Union there will be no hope of outside help. How long do you think the Federation will last against the Emperor bringing two-thirds of the galaxies resources to bare? As if they would aid you anyway."

He sighed, "I know this far-cousin. I do. But we are weak and the leadership is afraid to act... Perhaps if you came.."

I cut him off, "Empire space? Perhaps I should just fly through the passes and tell the Ska'ari and their slaves that I meet that I am merely going through to rouse the rabble on Urlafa and Keldon and they shouldn't bother shooting me down. No... you will return to your clutch and take the leaders of the... resistance this message." The word resistance was laced with contempt.

Furthtail stood to leave the ready room and board his stealth ship.

"Oh, far-cousin, one more thing. See to it that this gets to the Fuwuyothi clutch on Urlafa. Tell them their clutchling served me and the resistance well." I handed him a small box that contained a few pieces of Luna's personal affects that I had taken from her dormitory on Phao. Furthtail bowed and left me alone with the silence.