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Keldon, lover, fighter. Anything but a diplomat.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Brothers and sisters,

It has been a long time since we have smuggled word to you. Too long. For that we apologize. There has not been important enough news to risk the authorities tracing this subspace line to your clutches.

But we could lay silent no longer. Once again the Emperor is turning his bloodshot eyes away from the Sister-grandmothers. The collective military might of the Ska'ari and the collaborators will be refocused to the galactic west.

Now is the time, Far-cousins, for you to return to the underground. Remove yourselves again from your every day lives. Kiss your clutchlings good bye and whisper to them the dream of a new tomorrow. Renew your contacts with the other liberated in your communities. But also renew your caution. Since the last uprising the Emperors intelligence services have worked hard to infiltrate the species-traitors into your organizations.

The war drums may already be sounding in Keldon and the surrounding sectors. Use the shuffling of forces to your advantage.

Be strong. Be swift. Be deadly.

A mirror shines darkly at daybreak.
A mirror shines darkly at daybreak.

No watch equals more time.
No watch equals more time.
-----------------------------------END TRANSMISSION

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